Your friends in podcasting connected via Skype on Christmas Morning to slide down your virtual chimney and stuff your audio stocking full of podcasty goodness! Topics include comic book cataloging, engagement party advice, the role of the arts in the heart of a nation, travel guardian angels, an all-time great voice, a punk rock pioneer, and two actresses-turned-directors who are big reasons why we don’t need to say “female directors” any more. We can just start calling them “directors”. Happy Holidays! We think you will really enjoy this festive, 68 minute installment of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour!

Dean is back from doing a comedy benefit in San Jose, California. Phil spent all weekend doing paperwork (hush, hush film development work), though he got out to see a comedy benefit here in Hollywood. They discuss both these shows before launching into analysis of a wide range of films. From German cinema “you will never forget,” to the career challenges of once-hot Guy Ritchie, to the over-exposure of Seth Rogen, Dean and Phil offer their insights before finally giving their long-awaited appraisal of what went right and what went wrong with Watchmen.