Ouch! My freakin’ ears! Our most obscenity-laden podcast to date! No more description needed, honestly, cuz’ in this crazy business, dirt sells. Just make sure that the kids and Grandma are out of the room before you listen.


As large sections of Southern California burn, Phil and Dean calmly discuss the upcoming Star Trek motion picture. What? Did they just say upcoming Star Trek picture? Who’s in it? What’s the premise? Listen and find out!

Plus, you’ll hear whose homes are threatened by flames. If you hear your name, start packing!


Tuesday, Monday, whatever – The day doesn’t matter when you’re providing information and entertainment of such consistently high caliber. The only thing that matters is that you listen. To us. All the time.

News, Views, Gossip and much much more courtesy of Phil Leirness and Dean Haglund.

Right here.


Is Phil the love child of Patrick McGoohan and Remington Steele? Is Dean the love child of Kirk Douglas and Glenn Close? Probably, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg this week. Dean talks about the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario (California, not Canada). Some new releases are debated. Then Phil makes a shocking revelation about this crazy town. It’s a stinking pool of what? What’s that Phil? No, it can’t be true!