This week’s installment takes its cues from last week’s show and starts with several “Celebrity Deaths” involving music industry notables. Beloved comedian-turned-actor Richard Lewis will also get remembered, as will an incredible Japanese-American dancer-turned-teacher who was just a few months shy of her 105th birthday when she died! The “Live Event of the Week” involves a church in Malibu, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Phil’s dear friend June Aochi Berk, fascism, and Nisei Week! The return of “What We’re Reading” covers Caravaggio, art, the plague, violence, MGM, Hollywood and the most important movie of the 20th Century that you probably haven’t seen (or perhaps even heard of). Finally, Phil hops back on his soapbox in an effort to help save Siren Radio (read all about this effort and help by signing the petition at All that and … Oh, yeah! Happy 70th Birthday to longtime listener and friend of the show, Maurice Terenzio!

The riddle: What show covers the best film of 2023 (thus far), one of the best films of the 21st century (a movie from Hungary), the 11th greatest film of all time (according to the Sight and Sound poll), AND one of the worst films of all time (a musical version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), in addition to drag shows in Florida, the charms of Santa Catalina Island, the Japanese American National Museum, Dobie Doodle puppies, and several fascinating (quasi) “Celebrity Deaths”?

The answer: Why, this show, of course!