It’s Memorial Day here in the USA, so this episode is coming out about 12 hours later than we like. Nevertheless, Dean and Phil remember a wonderful actress, the artist who designed so many classic movie posters, a pop artist whose sculpted work is iconic, a movie actor and television star from the Golden Age of Hollywood, and a prolific and controversial award-winning novelist. Following “Celebrity Deaths”, your friends in podcasting will weigh in on the criminal charges filed against former mogul Harvey Weinstein and his lawyer’s rather shocking public defense of Weinstein’s actions. Then, it’s time to dig into the latest “Star Trek” news and a handful of recent cinematic releases a half-dozen or more current or recent cinematic releases, including a new “Star Wars Story”, two superhero movies, and an indie comedy. All that, plus a Memorial Day-inspired re-appraisal of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.


What is 70 minutes long, was recorded LIVE at BottleRock in downtown Los Angeles and boasts appearances by Lily Holleman, Robbie Consing, Matt Doherty, Erynn Petrulis, Pete Handelman, Alanna Vicente, Shaun Parker, Burt Bulos, Jake Head, Ilana Rein, Marc Hershon of Succotash and both Page Branson and J.D. Jackson of Level 7 Access: A Marvel Agents of Shield Podcast? Why, it’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, of course, also featuring a live appearance from show announcer Garrard Whatley!

We apologize for the occasional (semi-regular?) audio glitches during the show – Phil was playing hurt, Dean was drinking wine, there was a party going on … And we’re sure despite these glitches (because of them?) this episode will help get your week off to a great start!

What other weekly show is live before a ParanoiaCon audience one week, covers all things Comic-Con (including brand new Season 10 of “The X-Files”) the next week, and features an actual Shaman as a special guest the week after that?

Why YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, of course!

Listeners of the show know that Dean Haglund is (among many other things) an actor and a producer. Phil Leirness is an independent filmmaker. On August 3, your friends in podcasting commenced principal photography on their third feature film together, The Lady Killers.

On this week’s show, join Dean Haglund on location for an on-set, behind-the-scenes look at this dark comedy and some of the personalities involved in its making.

Let the hilarity begin!