Because of Dean’s peculiar living conditions at present, because of Phil’s adventures this week in the nation’s capital, and because of a message from a loyal listener (about plein air painting, about microphones, about Bing Crosby, about the body horror comedy/thriller The Substance), this week’s show will be full of fascinating, inspiring and hilarious conversation. The show will also include one of the saddest “Celebrity Deaths” Dean and Phil have ever discussed AND one of the most mind-blowing biographies of any celebrity they have ever remembered.

Dean and Phil follow up on last week’s awesome show by discussing more about “Hollywood accounting” and how in show biz the “bottom line” is often NOT the bottom line! Last week, while discussing the box office struggles of the brand new In the Heights, Dean and Phil were inspired to look back at two dance films based on the same craze that opened on the same day many years ago, one of which boasted a music score from Phil’s frequent collaborator, Greg De Belles. Greg composed the score for Phil’s Karl Rove, I Love You and for Dean and Phil’s The Truth Is Out There and The Lady Killers. Greg died on Friday, and Dean and Phil speak of their immensely talented friend. Of course, the box office struggles continue, so Dean and Phil discuss how a Pixar movie might have been able to change everything. That leads into a deep dive into Disney +, the movie Soul, the miniseries “WandaVision” and the episodic series “The Mandalorian”. There is also a lot of talk about painting, from the advice given by the great Leigh McCloskey to the thematic approach of the Barbizon school of artists and the brilliance of Julian Schnabel’s Van Gogh film At Eternity’s Gate. Finally, Dean and Phil celebrate the careers of an Oscar-nominated character actor and a beloved sitcom actor and director.

As they approach the final few shows of the Australian, intercontinental and trans-pacific era of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, your friends in podcasting have really been ramping up with great episodes. And those episodes have led to an overflowing “mailbag”. On this week’s installment, Dean and Phil will finally get to several of these missives, which range in content from corrections about things Dean and Phil have said to questions about the dubbing of movies and TV into different languages, from a question about mysterious sounds to one about the ineffable art of casting the right performers for the right roles. Of course, Dean and Phil will comment upon the latest show biz and media news, including the controversy surrounding Nike, the latest charges leveled against CBS head honcho Les Moonves, and the Academy’s major about-face for this year’s Oscars. All that, plus Dean updates his Down Under Bucket List and he and Phil remember the late, great Burt Reynolds.